2026 16th
International Conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and
Bioinformatics (ICBBB 2026) is
the premier interdisciplinary platform for the
presentation of new advances and research results in the
fields of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics.
The conference will bring together leading academic
scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of
interest from all over the world.
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not
limited to:
Bio-molecular & Phylogenetic Databases
Query Languages, Interoperability, Bio-Ontology and Data
Genes and their Regulation
Sequence Search and Alignment
Protein Structure Prediction and Molecular Simulation
Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny
Functional Genomics, Proteomics
Drug Discovery
Gene Expression Analysis
Data Visualization
Systems Biology
Algorithms, Modeling and Simulation of Bio-Sets
Biomarkers of Toxicity
Signaling and Computation
Biomedicine Engineering
Bioinformatics of Diseases
Biomedical Text Mining and Ontologies
Biological Data Mining and Visualization
Biomedical Intelligence & Clinical Data Analysis
BioMedical Signal/Image Analysis
Comparative Genomics
Computational Modeling & Data Integration
Computational Systems Biology
Gene Regulation and Transcriptomics
Massively Parallel Sequencing & Applications
Microarray Data Analysis
Protein Structure, function, and interactions
Sequence Analysis, Evolution and Phylogeny
Translational Genomics in Engineering
Bioscience Engineering
Biological Systems and Models
Engineering Models in Bio-Medicine
Computer Assisted Intervention Systems
Medical Robotics
Nano-Mechanisms for Molecular Systems
Biological Sensors
Molecular and Cellular Systems
Body's and Cell's Bio-signatures
Biomedical Image Processing & Analysis
Papers can be submitted through the Electronic Submission System or conference email box: icbbb@cbees.org.
(If you would like to present paper with publication, full paper should be submitted; if you would like to present paper without publication, that is to say oral presentation or poster presentation only, only abstract submission is allowed.)
Any inquiries for
submission or conference participation, please contact: